Deep Snake with 2D-Circular Convolution and Difficulty Sensitive Contour-IoU Loss
LI Hao1, YUAN Guanglin1, LI Congli2, QIN Xiaoyan1, ZHU Hong1
1. Department of Information Engineering, Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense of People's Liberation Army of China, Hefei 230031 2. Department of Ordnance Engineering, Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense of People's Liberation Army of China, Hefei 230031
Abstract The initial bounding box is deformed to the object contour end-to-end by Deep Snake, and the performance of instance segmentation is significantly improved. However, the problems of sensitivity to the initial bounding box and independent regression of contour parameters emerge. To address these issues, Deep Snake with 2D-circular convolution and difficulty sensitive intersection over union(contour-IoU) loss is proposed. Firstly, 2D-circular convolution is designed based on the spatial context information of the contour to solve the problem of sensitivity to the initial bounding box. Secondly, difficulty sensitive contour-IoU loss function is proposed according to the geometric meaning of the definite integral and the difficulty of the sample to regress the contour parameters as a whole unit. Finally, instance segmentation is accomplished by the proposed 2D-circular convolution and difficulty sensitive contour-IoU loss function. Experiments on Cityscapes, Kins and Sbd datasets show that the proposed method achieves better segmentation accuracy.
Fund:Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province(No.2008085QF325)
Corresponding Authors:
YUAN Guanglin, Ph.D., associate professor. His research interests include computer vision, machine learning and its application.
About author:: LI Hao, master student. His research interests include instance segmentation, object tracking and object detection. LI Congli, master, professor. His research interests include image computer vision. QIN Xiaoyan, master, associate professor. Her research interests include object detection, machine learning and its application. ZHU Hong, master, lecturer. Her research interests include image processing and computer vision.
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